

Quantum communication

  • 摘要: 量子通信是经典通信和量子力学相结合的一门新兴交叉学科.文章综述了量子通信领域的研究进展,既包括人们所熟知的量子隐形传态、密集编码和量子密码学,也包括刚刚兴起但却有巨大潜力的量子通信复杂度和远程量子通信等领域.文章介绍了量子通信的基本理论框架,同时也涉及了这个领域最新的实验研究的进展.


    Abstract: Quantum communication is a rising interdisciplinary field which combines classical communication and quantum mechanics. We summarize the new developments of quantum communication, which includes quantum teleportation, quantum superdense coding and quantum cryptography. Recently, there has been much interest in using quantum resources to reduce communication complexity and to prepare or control quantum states remotely. An introduction is given to the basic theoretic framework of quantum communication and the lastest development in experimental research.


