

The development of san huan ltd. magnetism research

  • 摘要: 简要回顾了从20世纪20年代以来我国现代磁学研究的历史.20世纪80年代初期正值我国改革开放浪潮之时,科技人员纷纷走上科技成果产业化道路.建立于1985年的中国科学院三环公司就是一个成功的代表,同时她也是我国现代磁学研究结出的一颗硕果.


    Abstract: Modern studies of magnetism and magnetic materials in China was founded in the 20's of the last century. During the reform that swept across the century in the beginning of the 1980's many scientists went out of their to apply their research achievements to industry. San Huan Inc. of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is a typical successful representative and is also a fruit of the research work on modern magnetism and magnetic materials in China.


