

Amorphous state physics and the manufacture of soft agnetic materials

  • 摘要: 由于非晶态材料具有独特的结构和优异的性能,其发现和发展对相关传统材料及其应用领域产生了巨大的冲击和深远的影响.从1960年首次发现非晶合金至今已有40余年,基础研究和应用开发均取得长足进展,特别是作为软磁材料的非晶合金带材已经实现了产业化,并获得了广泛应用.文章综述了非晶态物理方面的一些基本问题,以及非晶软磁合金的发展历程和产业化现状.


    Abstract: The discovery of the first amorphous alloy in 1960 made an enormous impact on conventional magnetic materials because of its unique structure and excellent properties.Since then great progress has been made in both basic research and development,and many amorphous magnetic materials have been successfully used in a wide variety of applications.We discuss some of the fundamental problems concerning amorphous state physics and review last developments as well as the current status of production of amorphous soft magnetic materials.


