

The architecture of networks

  • 摘要: 复杂网络系统普遍地存在于自然界与人类社会中,对它们的研究也具有广泛而重要的意义.我们如何来认识和区分晶格、Internet和一个生态食物链?它们又是如何演化的?在这些网络背后,是否隐藏着某种无形的组织原理?近年来,借助强大的计算工具,人们对网络的认识发生了巨大的改变.文章以小世界、集团化和无标度等新的概念为中心,介绍了其中的研究进展.


    Abstract: Complex network systems widely exist in nature and human society, hence its research carries broad significance. How do we characterize and differentiate amongst a crystal lattice, the Internet and a food web? How do they evolve? Is there some kind of invisible organizing principle, hiding behind all these networks? In recent years our view of network systems has been greatly changed due to research supported by powerful computational facilities. Focussing on new concepts such as the small-world, clustering and scale-free systems, we review the progress in this field.


