

Preparation, characterization and application of nanocrystalline diamond films

  • 摘要: 纳米金刚石膜的制备、表征和应用研究已经成为CVD金刚石膜研究领域的一个新的热点.文章重点介绍了Gruen等人在贫氢和无氢环境中制备纳米金刚石膜的开创性工作, 并和在富氢气氛中制备的纳米金刚石膜进行了对比评述.对纳米金刚石膜的表征技术和应用前景进行了讨论.


    Abstract: The preparation, characterization and application of nanocrystalline diamond films have become a new "hot point" in the development of diamond films prepared by chemical vapor deposition. A review is presented of the pioneering works of Gruen et al. on nano-diamond film preparation in a hydrogen depleted environment, and comparisons are made with nano-diamond films deposited in a hydrogen-rich environment. Potential applications of these films are discussed.


