

A new window for detecting the universe——the 2002 Nobel prize for physics

  • 摘要: 文章介绍了2002年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者贾科尼对X射线天文学的开创性贡献,特别介绍了贾科尼等在开拓空间观测和发展X射线成像技术这两个方面的工作.文章通过X射线天文学的诞生、X射线天文卫星的发展介绍了X射线的空间观测对天体物理学的影响,对宇宙暗物质、双星中的吸积过程和X射线喷流现象等进行了简单介绍,并对高能天体物理学的发展给出了概略的描述.


    Abstract: The pioneering contributions to X-ray astronomy made by Riccaedo Giacconi who won the 2002 Nobel Prize for Physics are described, with emphasis on his extensive observations of the X-ray universe and development of X-ray imaging. The relationship between the advancement of astrophysics and the development of X-ray space observation is pointed out. The concepts of universal dark matter, binary accretion and X-ray jets are also presented. Finally, the outlook for high energy astrophysics is discussed.


