

Terahertz imaging of defects in space shuttle foam insulation

  • 摘要: 太赫兹脉冲成像技术被应用于航天飞机隔热层泡沫材料中缺陷的探测.通过对泡沫样品的各个层面进行逐点扫描,得到每个点太赫兹脉冲的时域波形,然后利用多种图像处理手段分析波形的变化,判断出不同层面缺陷的大小、形状、位置和种类.太赫兹成像技术作为一种可以提供多维信息的新兴无损探伤技术,将可能被美国宇航局应用到以后的发射过程中的安全检查中.


    Abstract: T-ray imaging technology is applied to identify defects in space shuttle foam insulation. The temporal waveform of the terahertz pulse of each pixel is obtained by scanning every layer of the foam sample. Multiple imaging analysis techniques are implemented to analyze waveform changes, in order to pin-point the size, shape, location and type of defects in each layer. T-ray imaging has become a novel non-destructive detection technology and will be applied by NASA in safety tests for future launches.


