

Hertz′s contributions to the development ofclassical electromagnetism and his influence

  • 摘要: 文章根据赫兹的日记、书信和论文集,对赫兹在电磁场理论研究方面的主要论著进行了深入分析,对他在经典电磁场理论发展过程中所起到的重要作用和历史地位给予了更为客观的评价.文章指出,赫兹所发表的电磁学理论研究论文不仅促进了麦克斯韦理论在德国的传播和认同,而且对麦克斯韦方程组的理论基础进行了合理的重建和拓展,并给予更为清晰的逻辑论证,从而对经典电磁场理论的发展和最终完善起到了重要作用.文章还指出,赫兹在电磁场理论研究方面的成就对洛伦兹电子论的建立起到了一定的启发作用,对爱因斯坦早期物理学研究也产生了直接的影响.


    Abstract: Based on Hertz′s diary, letters and collected works we analyse his major works on the theory of the classical electromagnetic field. We attempt to clarify some misunderstandings about his achievements in this field, giving his role in the development of classical electromagnetism a more objective evaluation. His theoretical research from 1884 to the early 1890′s has important significance in the history of physics. Not only did Hertz promote Maxwell′s theory throughout Germany, but also reconstructed and expanded the theoretical foundation of Maxwell′s equations. Furthermore, from analysis of Lorentz′s works on electromagnetism and Einstein′s work in the earlier days of his life, we show that Hertz′s achievements also had a significant influence on Lorentz′s electronics and Einstein′s early physics studies.


