

Progress of studies on rotating ultracold atoms

  • 摘要: 环流的宏观量子化是超流体最引人瞩目的性质之一.1995年玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的实现为超流提供了一个新的研究对象,使得人们可以对转动的超流体进行深入的研究.实验上在BEC中产生了涡旋激发,并进一步观测到了涡旋晶格.理论研究表明当冷原子的转速进一步增大,涡旋晶格会融解成一种新的强关联系统——量子霍尔液体.文章主要介绍近年在转动冷原子方向上理论和实验的进展.


    Abstract: The macroscopic quantization of circulating current is an attractive property of superfluids. The realization of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) offers us a new testing ground, in which we can explore superfluids thoroughly. Vortex line excitation and even vortex lattices have been experimentally observed. When the angular velocity is further increased, the vortex lattice in BEC will melt into a new strongly correlated system, a quantum Hall liquid. We review the progress of both theoretical and experiment research on rotating cold atoms.


