Feasibility study on time resolved electron microscopy
摘要: 文章从理论上分析了飞秒激光与金属阴极的相互作用过程.将飞秒激光与金属阴极产生的超短电子脉冲作为电子源,提出了一种具有时间分辨能力的电子显微镜(TREM)的概念设计.文章作者详细地研究了这种电子显微镜的可行性,并讨论了超短电子脉冲的传输和控制问题.Abstract: The interaction process of femtosecond laser pulses with metal photocathodes is studied. Based on the ultrashort electron pulses generated by this process we propose a conceptual design of time resolved electron microcopy. Its feasibility is analyzed, and the problem of control and propagation of the electron pulses discussed.