

Ultrahigh strength and high electrical conductivity of copper with nanometer sized twins

  • 摘要: 强度和导电性是金属材料的两个至关重要的性能.常用的金属材料强化方式往往是在提高强度的同时使材料的导电性能明显损失.文章介绍了采用脉冲电解沉积技术制备出具有高密度孪晶片层结构的纯铜薄膜.这种具有纳米尺度的孪晶片层结构的纯铜材料不仅具有非常高的拉伸强度,同时还具有非常高的导电性. 拉伸实验表明,当孪晶片层平均厚度小到15 nm时,样品的拉伸屈服强度可达900 MPa,断裂强度高达1068 MPa(约为普通纯铜的10倍以上),并具有与无氧高导铜相当(97%IACS)的室温电导率.


    Abstract: One of the critical problems in metallic materials is how to enhance their strength while keeping their conductivity. The prevalent strengthening methods employed usually lead to a pronounced decrease in conductivity. In this study, high-purity Cu foil samples with high density nanometer sized twins were synthesized by means of a pulsed electro-deposition technique. For Cu samples with an average twin lamellar thickness of 15 nm, the tensile yield strength could be as high as 900 MPa, and the ultimate tensile strength was 1068 Mpa, which is about 10 times higher than that of coarse grained Cu. The most interesting phenomenon is that this sample also retains a very high conductivity comparable to that of pure Cu.


