

Differential spectroscopy and its application of scanning tunneling microscopy

  • 摘要: 文章介绍了扫描隧道显微术中微分谱学的原理及其在实验中的诸多应用.微分谱(dI/dV谱)和dI/dV成像可用来研究电子局域态密度在能量和空间的分布,即微分谱固定空间一点,反映电子态密度以能量为变量的分布;而dI/dV图像则反映某给定能量的电子局域态密度以空间为变量的分布.二次微分谱(d2I/dV2谱)和二次微分成像可以用来反映分子的非弹性隧穿过程,从而研究分子的振动态.


    Abstract: This review gives an introduction to the principle and applications of the differential spectroscopy technique in scanning tunnelling microscopy. The differential (dI/dV) spectroscopy and dI/dV mapping are used to reveal the distributions of electronic local density of states (LDOS) in energy and space, respectively. The differential spectroscopy reveals the distribution of LDOS at different energy levels of a certain position, while the dI/dV mapping reveals the spatial distribution of LDOS at a certain energy window. The quadratic differential (d2I/dV2) spectroscopy and d2I/dV2 mapping are used to study the inelastic electron tunneling, so that molecular vibrational modes can be studied.


