

Applications of micro/nanofabrication in nanoscale physics and devices

  • 摘要: 物质在纳米尺度下可能呈现出与体材料不同的物理特性,这正是纳米科技发展的基础之一.要想探索在纳米尺度下材料物理性质的变化规律及可能的应用领域,离不开相应的技术手段.微纳米加工技术作为当今高技术发展的重要技术领域之一,是实现功能人工纳米结构与器件微纳米化的基础.本文根据几个不同的应用领域,介绍了微纳米加工技术在纳米物理与器件研究领域的应用.


    Abstract: Nanoscale materials exhibit novel physical properties different from macro systems, which has led to the rise of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It is necessary to develop appropriate methods to study the properties of such materials and their potential applications. Micro/nanofabrication technologies offer a controllable approach for patterning the structures and devices down to the nanometer scale, and are rapidly finding applications in many fields. We review some current examples in the research on nanoscale physics and devices.


