

Low temperature plasma research in China

  • 摘要: 低温等离子体物理与技术的研究在国内受到了越来越多的重视.在等离子体中发现的一些有趣的物理现象,如磁场重联、尘埃等离子体等,使人们对等离子体物理的研究掀起了新的热潮.在应用方面,几乎所有理工类实验室都有涉及低温等离子体技术的实验装置,这使得在我国低温等离子体应用方面的研究非常普及,包括微电子工业中的等离子体工艺,各种坚硬、耐腐蚀、耐摩擦材料的制备,纳米材料的制备,聚合物以及生物材料的表面改性,等等.随着低温等离子体技术的发展,低温等离子体的诊断技术也随之发展起来.文章简要地介绍了近几年来低温等离子体研究在我国的发展,介绍了一些有关低温等离子体的热点研究课题.


    Abstract: Low temperature plasma physics and technology play an increasingly important role in scientific research in China. Recently observed new phenomenasuch as magnetic reconnection and dusty plasma have aroused new interest in plasma physics. In practice, almost every physics or technology laboratory has some device or instrument involved with or using low temperature plasma., which has led to widespread applied low temperature plasma research in our country, including plasma processing in the microelectronics industry, the preparation of hard or/and anti-corrosion or/and wear-resist materials, nano-materials, surface modification of polymer or bio-materials, and so forth. With the development of low temperature plasma technology, the relevant diagnostic techniques have also improved. The latest progress in low temperature plasma research in China and the areas of chief interest are reviewed.


