

Magnetic-field-dependent carrier injection at La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 and organic semiconductors interfaces

  • 摘要: 文章作者制备了以多种π-共轭有机半导体(orgnanic semincondutor, 简称OSEC)为中间层,La2/3Sr1/3MnO3(LSMO)和另一铁磁或非磁性金属为电极的有机二极管,测量了器件的磁致电阻和磁电致发光效应.器件显示了与LSMO电极类似的负磁电阻效应,但是它的电阻变化比LSMO电极本身的变化大3个数量级,而且器件还有正的磁电致发光效应.文章作者认为,这些磁场效应源于磁场作用下LSMO费米能级的异常移动,导致载流子在LSMO-OSEC界面注入的增强.


    Abstract: We have fabricated organic diodes utilizing several p-conjugated organic semiconductors (OSEC) as spacer layers between La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO) and various metallic electrodes, and measured their magnetoresistance (MR) and magnetoelectroluminescence (MEL) responses. The devices exhibit large negative high-field MR responses that resemble the MR response of the LSMO electrode, but amplified by ~3 orders in the resistance, and accompanied by a positive high-field MEL effect. We believe these magnetic-field effects result from enhanced carrier injection at the LSMO-OSEC interface that is attributed to the anomalous field-dependent Fermi level shift in LSMO.


