Terahertz quantum cascade lasers
摘要: 太赫兹技术涉及电磁学、光电子学、半导体物理学、材料科学以及微加工技术等多个学科,它在信息科学、生物学、医学、天文学、环境科学等领域有重要的应用价值.太赫兹辐射源是太赫兹频段应用的关键器件.本文简要介绍了太赫兹电磁波的研究背景、重要特点以及潜在应用,重点讨论了太赫兹半导体量子级联激光器的工作原理和研究进展等.Abstract: Terahertz (THz) technology deals with electromagnetics, optoelectronics, semiconductor physics, material science, and micro-technology. In applications that cover information science, biology, medicine, astronomy, and environment science the key device is the THz source. We present an overview of THz sources and their potential applications, with emphasis on the basic principle and recent research advances in the development of THz quantum cascade lasers.