

The Si/SiGe quantum cascade laser

  • 摘要: Si/SiGe量子级联激光器是一种新型的带内跃迁的红外光源,突破了Si基材料间接带隙特性对光跃迁的限制.Si/SiGe量子级联激光器的开发将为实现太赫兹有源器件的硅基集成产生深远影响.文章介绍了Si/SiGe量子级联激光器的工作原理,以及这类激光器在能带设计、材料生长和波导制作方面的最新进展.


    Abstract: The Si/SiGe quantum cascade laser is a new coherent IR source based on intersubband transitions, which overcomes the limitations imposed by the indirect gap. This laser will have a great impact on the development of terahertz devices and indicates a possible way to integrate active terahertz devices into silicon-based technology. In this paper we will describe the principle and latest progress in the active layer design, materials growth, and waveguide fabrication of this Si-based laser.


