

Surface-mediated liquid transport through molecularly thin liquid films on nanotubes

  • 摘要: 文章研究了在单根纳米管表面上形成的分子级液膜的传输现象.实验发现,厚度在 ~ 10量级的表面流体在表面力的驱动下沿纳米管以恒定的速度(~ 10 μm/s)和容量流速(~ 10 al/s)流动.容量流速Q与纳米管直径d之间成幂函数关系,Q ~ d 2.4.此结果对实现用纳米管作为液体输运器件具有指导意义.


    Abstract: The surface-mediated liquid transport through molecularly thin films on individual nanotubes was studied in ambient conditions. The surface fluid with molecular thickness (~10 ) flowed at a constant speed (~10 μm/s) and volume flow rate (~10 al/s) along the nanotubes. The volume flow rate Q follows the power law dependence on nanotube diameter d, which is explained with a generic microscopic model.


