

Phenomena and mechanisms of single beam femtosecond laser induced periodic microstructures

  • 摘要: 飞秒激光具有超快和超强(聚焦后局域电场达到1010 V/cm,相当于氢原子的库仑场强)的特点,因此它与材料发生相互作用时会产生多光子吸收、多光子电离、自聚焦等非线性效应.文章介绍最近发现的单光束飞秒激光在物质内部诱导自组装纳米光栅,沿光束传播方向排列成行的纳米周期孔洞结构以及材料表面诱导纳米周期结构等新现象,并对这些现象的机理作了阐述.


    Abstract: A femtosecond laser produces ultrashort pulses and ultrahigh electric fields. Various nonlinear effects, such as multiphoton absorption, multiphoton ionization, self-focusing and so on will occur when this laser radiation interacts with matter. We describe the novel phenomena and mechanisms of single beam femtosecond laser induced polarization-dependent nanogratings, periodic nanovoid structures along the propagation direction of the laser beam, and the alignment of nanoripples formed on the surface of crystals, which were all discovered recently.


