

Rntgen′s great contribution to electromagnetic theory

  • 摘要: 提到伦琴,人们往往想到的是他对X射线的发现,而对他在电磁理论方面的重要贡献则较少提及.文章详细叙述了伦琴为论证“位移电流”存在而做的实验,此实验曾被誉为是19世纪最重要的物理实验之一,在当时广受赞誉,但今天却被人们渐渐遗忘了.希望该文能够使人们对伦琴为构建19世纪物理学宏伟大厦而取得成就的重要性有更深入的认识.


    Abstract: Rntgen′s fame today rests solely on his discovery of X-rays and takes no account of his great contribution to electromagnetic theory. The experiment proving the existence of the “displacement current”done by Rntgen is described in his paper, which was recognized as the most important experiment of the 19th century. It was so famous at that time, yet today has been all but completely forgotten. Our aim is to give you a comprehensive understanding of Rntgen himself and the significance of his achievement for the construction of the edifice of 19th century physics.


