

Magical patterns on the fracture surface of brittle bulk metallic glasses

  • 摘要: 文章简要介绍了脆性块体金属玻璃(简称BMG)断裂面上几种主要的图案花样:河流花样、“韧窝”结构花样和自组装条纹结构花样,并总结了目前对上述各种形貌形成机理的可能的物理解释.对BMG断裂面上形貌的研究可以揭示材料的断裂机理,有助于更深刻地理解材料的力学性能, 开发高性能金属玻璃材料,并为工程选材提供安全标准.


    Abstract: A series of characteristic patterns on the fracture surface of brittle bulk metallic glasses, including river-like patterns, dimple structures and self-organized corrugations, are briefly described and possible explanations for their formation are summarized. Studies of these patterns can reveal and further our understanding of the fracture mechanism and mechanical behavior of the material. Moreover, this will be helpful for the design of high-performance metallic glasses and for defining safety criteria when selecting materials for engineering purposes.


