

A purely electronic Mott metal-insulator transition

  • 摘要: Mott金属-绝缘体相变(MIT)是凝聚态物理中的一个非常基本的概念.长期以来,Mott型MIT的概念被广泛应用于凝聚态物理的许多领域,特别是用于描述强关联系统的电子结构特征.然而到目前为止,完全由电子关联驱动的MIT并没有被观察到.因此,是否存在着完全由于电子之间的强关联效应导致的Mott型MIT一直是科学家们感兴趣的重要问题.近日,中国科学院物理研究所方忠研究员组、郭建东研究员组和美国Florida International大学的Jiandi Zhang教授研究组及美国Tennessee大学及橡树岭国家实验室的E. W. Plummer教授研究组、Rong Ying Jin教授研究组合作,通过实验与理论相结合的研究,在Ca1.9Sr0.1RuO4表面首次实现了纯电子驱动的Mott型MIT,发生电子结构相变时并没有相应的结构畸变出现.该研究成果对于人们认识电子-电子关联效应引起的Mott转变具有非常重要的意义.


    Abstract: Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT) is a fundamental concept in condensed-matter physics. The related principles have been applied to many fields, especially to the description of electron characteristics in strongly-correlated systems. Although an inherent Mott-MIT is purely electronic in origin, in practice, it is almost always accompanied by a structural transition. Such a situation complicates the understanding of the basic mechanism of Mott-MIT. It is recently reported by Zhong Fang’s group and Jiandong Guo’s group in the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jiandi Zhang’s group in Florida International University, E. W. Plummer’s group in the University of Tennessee, and Rongying Jin’s group in Oak Ridge National Laboratory that a purely electron-driven Mott-MIT is realized on the surface of Ca1.9Sr0.2RuO4 without being accompanied by structural distortion.


