History and status of optics research in the Institute of Physics
摘要: 光学是物理所最早设置的学科方向之一,伴随物理所的发展历史,取得过许多重要的成就.文章在回顾与光学相关的这段历史的基础上,概述了物理所人在光学领域所取得的主要学术成就及人才培养和队伍建设情况,最后简要介绍了目前开展的研究工作,浅析了进一步发展所面临的不足和对策.Abstract: Optics was one of the earliest research fields in the Institute of Physics, and over the years remarkable progress has been made. The history of this development is reviewed, with an account of the academic achievements and the people involved. Finally, we briefly summarize our current research activities and outline the new challenges and opportunities for optical physics in the future.