

Exploring plastic metallic glasses

  • 摘要: 缺乏室温宏观塑性是限制金属玻璃应用,制约金属玻璃形变机理研究的主要障碍,因此探索具有室温宏观塑性的金属玻璃材料成为金属玻璃研究领域的热点.文章首先介绍了作者为提高金属玻璃室温塑性所采用的三种在实践中可行的方法,然后根据金属玻璃的弹性模量(泊松比)与塑性的关系,报道了作者在设计大塑性金属玻璃材料方面的最新进展.


    Abstract: The lack of global plasticity at room temperature is the main barrier to the application of metallic glasses and to the understanding of their deformation. The improvement of this plasticity has been a hot topic in metallic glasses research. In this paper we introduce three feasible methods to enhance the plasticity. Based on the correlation between elastic moduli (Poisson′s ratio) and plasticity we have designed a series of metallic glasses with large plasticity.


