

Ultraluminous X-ray sources and intermediate-mass black holes

  • 摘要: 超亮X射线源是在邻近星系中发现的一类特殊的辐射X射线的天体.它们类似银河系中的黑洞双星,但却具有更高的亮度,因此可能包含更高质量的黑洞,即所谓的中等质量黑洞.中等质量黑洞并不像恒星级质量黑洞一样,可以是大质量恒星演化末期核塌缩的产物,因此在天体物理中具有重要意义.文章描述了超亮X射线源的一些基本性质,综述了近年来对这些源多波段观测的重要结果,以及这些结果对这些天体本质的暗示.


    Abstract: Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are a special class of celestial objects found in nearby galaxies with X-ray emission. They behave like the black hole binaries in our Milky Way but have a higher X-ray luminosity, indicating that they may harbor more massive black holes which are the so called intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs). IMBHs are interesting in astrophysics because they cannot be formed in the core collapse of a massive star at the end point of its evolution, which is speculated to be the mechanism how a stellar-mass black hole is formed. This article describes basic characteristics of ULXs, reviews important multiwavelength observations made in recent years of these sources, and discusses how the observations would place constraints on the nature of ULXs.


