

Phononics:a new science and technology for processing information with phonons/heat and for controlling heat

  • 摘要: 文章回顾了微观体系中热流控制研究的理论和实验发展,着重介绍了近年来通过利用非线性材料中能谱随温度变化的特性控制热流的最新研究进展.研究表明,热二极管、热三极管和热逻辑门等微观尺度热控制器件模型都是可行的.在理论上人们不仅可以对声子产生的热流进行整流、开关及调整,而且还可以用热来完成基本的逻辑运算.相关研究在环保节能方面也将得到广泛应用.


    Abstract: The theoretical and experimental studies of heat flow control on the microscopic scale are reviewed. We focus on the latest developments in recent years of heat flow control using the temperature dependent power spectra of nonlinear materials. It has been shown that the models describing microscopic heat control devices, such as thermal diodes, thermal transistors and thermal logic gates, are all feasible. In principal, we can not only rectify, switch and modulate heat flow created by phonons, but can also perform basic logic calculations by heat. This research will have wide applications in energy saving and environment protection.


