

pin-polarized electron transport through a nanoelectromechanical single-electron-transistor

  • 摘要: 文章作者在研究磁性隧道结的自旋输运中引入量子点的机械振动自由度,将单电子隧穿和振动自由度耦合所导致的shuttle输运理论应用到自旋电子学中.研究结果表明,shuttle输运对自旋极化输运有很大的影响,其独特的输运性质可以用来设计自旋电子器件.文章在理论上提出具有巨磁效应的自旋阀、高性能的半导体自旋注入器以及电流的整流器.


    Abstract: The concept of “shuttle transport” is introduced into the field of spintronics, and spin-dependent electron transport in magnetic tunnel junctions is studied by considering the coupling of the electronic and mechanical degrees of freedom. It is shown that shuttle transport plays an important role in spin-polarized transport, and can be applied to design spintronic elements. We suggest designs for a spin valve with giant magnetoresistance, a high performance spin injector for semiconductors, and a current diode.


