

A brief report on scientific computing

  • 摘要: 科学计算是指利用计算机再现、预测和发现客观世界运动规律和演化特性的全过程.在实际应用牵引下,依托高性能计算机的发展,近年来科学计算得到了快速的发展.与传统的理论研究和实验研究一起,科学计算已经成为推动科技创新的重要研究手段.文章首先介绍了作者对科学计算的认识:科学计算的本质是求真,置信度是科学计算的核心;做好科学计算,需要以应用为牵引,需要物理、数学与计算机等方面人才的合作,需要多学科交叉融合.文章还讨论了影响科学计算置信度的几个环节.最后就如何做好科学计算发表了看法.


    Abstract: Scientific computing is a process wherein the laws and properties of the objective world are represented, predicted and discovered by the computer. With the development of high performance computers, scientific computing has forged rapidly ahead to meet the needs of new applications, and has matured as the third approach to propel scientific discovery and technological innovation alongside traditional theory and experiment. I present my understanding of scientific computing that its essence is to seek the truth, and the degree of confidence is its kernel. It is emphasized that the requirements of the application problem, collaboration among physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists, and the fusion of physics, mathematics and computer disciplines, are needed to accomplish good scientific computing. I also discuss how to heighten the confidence, with some comments on how to improve scientific computing in general.


