

Multiple superconducting gaps and anisotropic spin fluctuations in iron-pnictides revealed by nuclear magnetic resonance

  • 摘要: 文章介绍了利用核磁共振法对铁基高温超导体的研究结果.笔者研究组断定铁基超导是自旋单态配对,并首先发现超导多能隙的存在.正常态的反铁磁自旋涨落在自旋空间是各向异性的,它与超导的关系,是人们关心的热点之一.


    Abstract: This article reviews nuclear magnetic resonance studies on iron-based high critical temperature superconductors carried out by the author's group. The Cooper pairs are in the spin-singlet state, and it was found for the first time that there exist multiple superconducting gaps. The antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations are anisotropic in spin space, and their role in producing superconductivity is of great interest.


