

High-temperature thermodynamics of a strongly correlated Fermi gas

  • 摘要: 文章首先简要评述了目前强关联超冷费米原子体系的研究现状.由于缺少严格解和小相互作用参数,强关联的量子气体一直缺乏清晰的理解.在该项研究工作中,文章作者提出了一种系统的维里级数展开方法来研究强相互作用费米气体在高温下的热力学行为.方法中的控制小参量是易逸度,即exp(μ/kBT),其中μ是体系的化学势.文章提出了一种实用的方法去计算均匀或势阱束缚下的费米气体的维里展开系数,并首次精确得到了第三维里系数.文章将计算得到的热力学状态方程与最近的实验测量及量子蒙特卡罗模拟结果进行了比较.


    Abstract: We briefly review current research progress in the field of strongly correlated atomic Fermi gases. A deep understanding of strongly correlated quantum gases is plagued by the lack of either exact solutions or a controllable small interaction parameter. In this work, we present a systematic virial expansion method to study the high-temperature thermodynamics of a strongly correlated Fermi gas, where the controllable parameter is given by the fugacity, exp(μ/kBT), with μ being the chemical potential. A practical way is proposed to obtain the expansion coefficients for both homogeneous and harmonically trapped Fermi gases. We calculate, for the first time accurately, the third-order virial coefficient. The resulting equation of states at high temperatures is compared with a recent thermodynamic measurement and with Monte Carlo simulations.


