

Large screen laser projection display and laser telvision

  • 摘要: 作为下一代的全色显示技术,激光投影显示技术与传统的显示技术相比,有很多明显优势,这是由激光本身的固有特点所决定的,比如高饱和度、低功耗以及潜在的寿命长等.文章介绍了激光显示技术的历史背景以及国内外的研究现状,介绍并分析了激光光源、基于数字光学引擎(DLP)及反射式硅基液晶光学引擎(LCOS)的激光显示系统和颜色管理技术.文章还对激光投影显示的优势进行了归纳,并对激光显示的产业化前景和整体市场进行了分析和预测.


    Abstract: Laser projection, the next generation of full-color display technology, has many advantages over traditional display technologies due to the laser's large color gamut, low power consumption and potentially long lifetime. Its historical development and present state-of-the-art at home and abroad are reviewed. Two systems, one based on a diode laser pump and another on liquid-crystal-on-silicon, are described. Laser and color management are discussed, and the advantages of laser projection display summarized. To conclude, the industrialization and overall market prospects of laser display technology are evaluated.


