

The 50th anniversary of the birth of the laser

  • 摘要: 2010年是激光诞生50周年.文章回忆了激光发明的历史沿革,简要讨论了受激光发射的物理模型、激光的特性,详细回顾了激光发明后50年间激光器件、技术、应用和产业的发展大事记,介绍了对激光和光电子学作出重大贡献的先驱和科学家,并对一些相关学科和重要应用做了概述.


    Abstract: This year is the 50th anniversary of the birth of the laser. The invention and development of the laser, which has many and varied physical and performance characteristics, has had a profound effect on modern electro-optical technology. Looking in detail at the early pioneers who contributed to the advancement of the laser over the past 50 years, we can see how lasers have evolved and their tremendous influence on a wide range of disciplines and applications. We are indebted to the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) for their documentation of the evolution in innumerable conferences, handbooks and scientific papers.


