

Novel micro/nano-scale photonic devices

  • 摘要: 光子晶体和纳米光纤是两种重要的微纳光子学材料,各自具有非常独特的控制光子传输状态的功能,是研究微纳尺度下光与物质相互作用的重要平台,也是实现新型微纳光子学器件的重要基础.文章简要介绍了超快速低功率光子晶体全光开关、纳米光纤传感器、干涉器和介质-金属纳米线复合结构器件的研究进展.


    Abstract: Photonic crystals and nanofibers, two kinds of important photonic materials, possess the unique feature of being able to control the propagation of photons. They are thus an important platform for the study of the interaction of photons and matter on the mesoscopic scale, as well as an important basis for the realization of novel micro/nano-scale photonic devices. Progress in the research on ultrafast low-power photonic crystal all-optical switching, nanofiber sensors, interferometers, and hybrid dielectric-metallic nanowire components will be reviewed.


