

Dark clouds in particle physics and cosmology: the issues of dark matter and dark energy

  • 摘要: 宇宙暗物质和暗能量是21世纪粒子物理和宇宙学研究中的两个重大的科学问题.文章首先简述了宇宙学研究的历史和现状以及对粒子物理学提出的新的挑战,接着较详细地介绍了暗物质、暗能量和反物质相关的科学问题以及在国际上这个研究领域近年来所取得的进展,最后展望了中国在暗物质和暗能量实验探测研究方面的前景.


    Abstract: Unveiling the nature of dark matter and dark energy is one of the main tasks of particle physics and cosmology in the 21st century.We first present an overview of the history and current status of research in cosmology, at the same time emphasizing the new challenges in particle physics. Then we focus on the scientific issues of dark energy,dark matter and anti-matter,and review the recent progress made in these fields. Finally,we discuss the prospects for future research on the experimental probing of dark matter and dark energy in China.


