

Dark matter and its detection

  • 摘要: 文章首先对暗物质的概念作了简单介绍,接着介绍了暗物质的发现过程和暗物质存在的证据等.随后,介绍了目前人们对暗物质粒子基本性质的理解和目前比较流行的暗物质模型,并解释了弱相互作用重粒子(WIMP)为什么获得人们最多的关注.文中还简单介绍了目前探测暗物质粒子的三种实验方法:对撞机探测法、直接探测法和间接探测法.最后,介绍了目前暗物质探测的最新进展,包括来自DAMA,CoGent,PAMELA,ATIC,Fermi等实验的最新结果.


    Abstract: We first explain the concept of dark matter,then review the history of its discovery and the evidence of its existence.We describe our understanding of the nature of dark matter particles,the popular dark matter models,and why the weakly interacting massive particles (called WIMPs) are the most attractive candidates for dark matter.Then we introduce the three methods of dark matter detection: colliders, direct detection and indirect detection.Finally,we review the recent development of dark matter detection,including the new results from DAMA,CoGent, PAMELA,ATIC and Fermi.


