The basic principles and applications of internal friction and mechanical spectroscopy
摘要: 文章对内耗与力学谱的基本原理作了简明介绍,并结合几个具体研究实例评述了内耗技术在凝聚态物理和材料科学研究方面的可能应用,最后指出了该领域今后的主要研究课题是发展新的内耗测量方法和技术以及发现新的内耗谱和建立新的内耗理论.Abstract: The principle of internal friction is briefly introduced. With some specific examples the possible applications of internal friction in the investigation of condensed matter physics and materials sciences are reviewed. It is pointed out that the main objectives of this research field are to develop new measurement methods and internal friction technology, discover new internal friction spectra, and establish a new internal friction model and theory.