Physical problems in acoustic loggin
摘要: 文章从声波测井的基本概念入手,介绍了什么是声波测井,其基本原理是什么,声波测井中的主要物理问题是什么,还从几个侧面介绍了声波测井的基本应用和未来的发展趋势,包括传统的电缆测井、目前国外流行的随钻声波测井以及具有应用前景但是尚处于研究阶段的震电测井.文章向从事物理研究的工作者概述了声波测井相关的物理问题和研究的发展现状,为打算涉入声波测井领域研究或者对相关领域研究感兴趣的读者提供了一些基本素材和知识.Abstract: We present the basic concepts of acoustic logging and its physical problems in practical acoustic wave logging. Its applications and development are described from several aspects, including general wire-line logging, acoustic logging while drilling, and seismoelectric logging that has potential applications but is still in its infancy. We shall focus on the physical problems and research of acoustic logging, while including some background knowledge.