

The dynamics of the quark-lepton level in the structure of matter

  • 摘要: 文章综述了粒子物理中标准模型理论的历史发展、面临挑战以及未来的发展趋势.目前阶段物质结构最小组成单元是夸克和轻子,量子色动力学是描述夸克-胶子之间强相互作用的基本理论,它具有渐近自由和夸克禁闭的特点.量子色动力学和电弱统一理论一起构成粒子物理中标准模型理论.标准模型理论成功同时也面临两大挑战:对称性破缺的本质和夸克禁闭难题,这意味着标准模型理论需要发展和突破.人们期望粒子物理学、天文学和宇宙学交叉发展联手解决物质结构和早期宇宙研究中面临的难题,最终揭示超出标准模型的新物理规律.


    Abstract: The history, current challenges, and future development of the standard model in particle physics are reviewed. At the present stage, quarks and leptons are the fundamental constituents of the structure of matter in the universe. Quantum chromodynamics is the fundamental theory of the strong interaction between quarks and gluons, and has two important features:asymptotic freedom and quark confinement. The standard model in particle physics comprises quantum chromodynamics and electro-weak unification theory, and has been very successful. However, it is also challenged by the problems of symmetry breaking and quark confinement. This means that the standard model has to be extended and new breakthroughs are necessary. It is expected that the puzzles of the structure of matter and the early universe can be solved by the interdisciplinary development of particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology in the near future. Eventually, new physics beyond the standard model will be explored.


