

All-optical switches based on nonlinear fiber gratings

  • 摘要: 光开关是未来全光通信和光计算机的关键器件.已经研究过的全光开关的种类很多,其中光纤光栅全光开关最容易与光纤系统匹配.文章首先陈述两种基于普通石英光纤的单光栅全光开关,即光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)全光开关和长周期光纤光栅(LPFG)全光开关,这两种低非线性的光开关要求千瓦量级的高开关功率,故不宜应用;然后重点介绍两种高非线性的光纤光栅全光开关,它们分别由单个高非线性FBG和用高非线性光纤连接的LPFG对构成.文章所介绍的非线性光纤材料是以掺稀土石英光纤为例.这两种高非线性的光纤光栅全光开关具有毫瓦量级的低开关功率,有可能获得实际应用.


    Abstract: The all-optical switch (AOS) is a key device for future all-optical communication and all-optical computing.There are many types of AOSs that have been investigated;one of them is the fiber-grating AOS,which is easily matched with fiber systems.We first describe two kinds of ordinary silica single fiber-grating AOSs based on the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and the long-period fiber grating (LPFG),respectively.Both of these require kilowatt switching powers,so they cannot be used in practice.Secondly, we introduce two kinds of highly nonlinear fiber-grating AOSs,one based on a single nonlinear FBG and the other a pair of linear LPFGs connected by a nonlinear fiber.The nonlinear fibers that we use are rare-earth doped silica fibers.Both of the nonlinear fiber-grating AOSs have low milliwatt-level switching powers,and thus may be used in applications.


