

Superconductivity and spin fluctuations

  • 摘要: 在常规超导体中,库珀对是由于电子与声子之间的相互作用而形成的. 在此过程中,人们可以只考虑电子的电荷性质与声子之间的关联. 然而在所谓的非常规超导体中,人们意识到一些其他类型的元激发也可能导致超导现象,而自旋涨落则可能是其中最重要的一种. 在大多数非常规超导体中,都可以发现自旋涨落的身影. 而在一些重要的体系中,包括铜基超导体、铁基超导体以及一些重费米子超导体体系等,可以确切地说,自旋涨落起到了关键的作用,尽管其相对应的超导机制仍然还不清楚. 文章简单介绍了自旋涨落与超导电性之间的关联.


    Abstract: In conventional superconductors, Cooper pairs are mediated by phonons, which is a process where only the correlations between the phonons and the charge properties of the electrons are needed. However, so-called unconventional superconductivity can also be derived from other types of elementary excitations.The most promising candidate that can mediate such unconventional superconductivity is spin fluctuations. In some important systems such as cuprates, Fe-based superconductors and certain heavy-fermion superconductors, the spin fluctuations play a key role in understanding the mechanism of their superconductivity although there is still much debate. In this paper we present a brief review of the correlation between spin fluctuations and superconductivity.


